do you want to take part of something what will last generations?
Join the crew of the Waimānalo Limu Hui and their lead builders in rebuilding the crumbled wall of Pāhonu and reactivating life back into the pond.
a community asset
Restoring Pāhonu
From a project started during the E Alu Pū Conference in July 2018 came a resurgence of a community looking for more. The Waimānalo Limu Hui was awarded a three year permit to work on the restoration of the Pā (wall) at Pāhonu. It is the Hui’s goal to make sure it remains in Waimānalo for another 100 years and for generations to come to be able to make use of it. Once commissioned by the Ali’i of Waimānalo, it was restored back in the 1960’s and again in the 1980’s. The current state of the wall is that the material is all there in the area but the rocks fell down on both sides making for a wide footprint. The goal is to re-stack the rocks and make it look like every other Loko I’a wall, with a flat top extending 2 feet above the high water line.
The Plan – The Waimānalo Limu Hui will host quarterly workdays in January, April, July and October. We’re always looking for those willing to come down to help in any way possible. We need masons skilled in dry wall stacking, people to collect and relocate rocks, others to find and gather small rocks as fill material from within the pond and still others to help feed those working in the water.
For more information on these workdays, please check us out on Facebook @WaimānaloLimuHui or send us an email to Waimā asking to be added to our mailing list.
goal oriented
Setting many minor goals to reach timely milestone events to keep the project on time
tide dependent
Using the moon and tide calendars to plan out specific foundation wall work above and below the waterline
Rolling with the tides using modern innovation & adjusting to suite climate change
Past events

July 2018
The Waimānalo Limu Hui hosted the 2018 E Alu Pu conference and began work on the wall at Pāhonu with 163 conference members and the support of other community members / groups.

January 2019
350+ people come down to volunteer over 1750 man hours of work allowing WLH to build 123 feet of interior and exterior wall. This was the largest section of completed in one day.

October 2019
Volunteers form a 125 person chain to move rocks from an exterior pile to the main area being worked on and allowing WLH members to continue to build the wall in the evenings when the tides are lower.
Castle foundation
windward youth leadership grant
Check out the final video of our keiki as the help to plan out one of our Pāhonu workdays from start to finish. Besides pre-planning, they helped in the registration / merchandise booth, helped to direct volunteers and lead the keiki in collecting fill rocks to be placed on the top of the new wall.